Package-level declarations


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State labels created by stateLabel are instances of this class.

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class GenericTokenType(val name: String) : TokenType

A generic class for token types. tokenType returns tokens of this type. Big lexers should be using an enum which implements TokenType instead of tokenType and GenericTokenType.

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A DSL environment for constructing ignoring matchers. This builds into a TokenRecognizerIgnored.

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data class Lexer(states: Map<StateLabel?, LexerState>, defaultStateLabel: StateLabel? = null)

A Lexer is a data class that contains the states that will be used for the lexing process. It is the main entry for using a constructed lexer.

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This class is used to build a Lexer using the Niwen Lexer DSL, and is used in lambda-with-receivers to provide high level DSLs for the configuration of a lexer.

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data class LexerState(val matchers: List<TokenMatcher>)

A state that contains matchers. The list of matchers is tested sequentially in order.

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class MatchedMatcherBuilder(val baseRecognizer: TokenRecognizer, matchesToTokenType: TokenType) : TokenMatcherBuilder

A simple builder for matchers, whose main purpose is to provide a way to select a "next state" for a matcher through the thenState function.

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open class NiwenLexerException(message: String, cause: Exception? = null) : TegralException

Generic parent class for exceptions thrown within the Niwen Lexer system

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This exception signals that no match were found for a substring for the current state.

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This classed is used to build a lexer state (LexerState) using a DSL, and is used inside a lambda-with receiver. It also defines high level functions for constructing matchers, such as anyOf or matches, and using custom matchers with the + operator.

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interface StateLabel

Represents a label for a state in a multiple labeled state context. Can be implemented by anything.

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data class Token(val string: String, val startsAt: Int, val endsAt: Int, val tokenType: TokenType)

A Token is a data class representing a token found through the tokenization process of a Lexer and the matching process of a TokenMatcher. It has information on where the token begins, where it ends, its type, and what it actually represents.

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abstract class TokenMatcherBuilder(val baseRecognizer: TokenRecognizer) : Buildable<TokenMatcher>

An abstract builder for token matchers. This is used for supporting .ignored, thenState, etc.

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interface TokenType

A token type. Can be pretty much anything.


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fun matcher(nextState: NextStateBehavior = NoStateChange, matcherBody: (s: String, startAt: Int) -> Token?): TokenMatcher

Simple function to create a matcher. The returned TokenMatcher executes the given lambda and returns its value and nothing else.

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fun niwenLexer(body: LexerBuilder.() -> Unit): Lexer

Creates a Lexer object using the Niwen Lexer DSL, where body receives a LexerBuilder that can be used to modify the lexer that is eventually returned.

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Create a generic state label (actually an instance of GenericStateLabel and returns it. This function provides an easy and dirty way of creating labels when you do not have an enum in place.

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Creates a new, distinct token type and returns it. The returned token type is of the type GenericTokenType