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Step 2: DI and tests

Now that we have a basic endpoint, time to add some dependency injected components and test everything!


In case you need it, the code you should get by the end of this tutorial is available here.

Adapting our App.kt

Assuming that you completed step 1, you should have a pretty basic App.kt file. Open it.

We'll need to split our module declaration from our tegral block. This is required because, when testing, we're testing parts of our application and not the entire application (e.g. we're not actually launching a web server when running tests). Right now, we've added the parts inside the tegral block: we'll split them into a separate dependency injection module to allow our tests to grab just these parts.

In a nutshell, this means adapting our App.kt file to look like this:

val appModule = tegralDiModule {

fun main() {
tegral {

Creating a GreeterService

In order to better illustrate the purpose of unit and integration testing, we'll create a simple service that will provide the actual greeting string.

Let's create a HelloService.kt file and add the following to it:

class HelloService {
fun greet(): String = "Hello, world!"

Injecting the service

We'll now adapt our controller so that it:

  • Gets an instance of HelloService from the Tegral app's environment.
  • Uses this instance to get the greeting string.

First, we'll need to add a constructor to our HelloController class and add an InjectionScope argument. This argument is automatically added by Tegral when constructing your controller, and is the primary way to get other components from the app's environment (i.e., to do dependency injection).

class HelloController(scope: InjectionScope) : KtorController() {
// ...

Dependency injection is done by declaring a private property with the type we want to retrieve, then adding by scope() next to it. Let's do just that:

class HelloController(scope: InjectionScope) : KtorController() {
private val helloService: HelloService by scope()

// ...

Now, we can just call helloService like any regular property, and call greet() on it:

class HelloController(scope: InjectionScope) : KtorController() {
private val helloService: HelloService by scope()

override fun Routing.install() {
get("/") {

Registering the service

Finally, just like we needed to put our controller into the environment, we'll put our HelloService into our environment in App.kt.

val appModule = tegralDiModule {

Run your application, and you should see the same "Hello, world!" message as before. Congrats, you just used dependency injection in Tegral!

Testing it all

Tests are first-class citizens in Tegral. Writing tests is easy, fast and makes developing robust applications painless (or, at least, less painful).

Setting up

For fairly obvious reasons, Tegral does not ship test dependencies as part of its main code dependency bundle. We'll need to add a secondary bundle called web.test to our test dependencies.

Let's go back to our build.gradle(.kts) file. Add the following line at the end of the dependencies block:

dependencies {
// ...

testImplementation tegralLibs.bundles.web.test

Unit testing our service

While you could test your HelloService directly like any regular Kotlin class, it may happen in the future that you will want to inject dependencies into HelloService. In order to future-proof, let's create a test class that will fully support dependency injection in the future.

Testing in Tegral is based around having your test classes subclassing Tegral test classes, then using a test function to set up a proper test environment.

Let's create a simple test:

class HelloServiceTest : TegralSubjectTest<HelloService>(::HelloService) {
fun `should say hello`() = test {
assertEquals("Hello, world!", subject.greet())

You may notice a few things here:

  • We subclassed TegralSubjectTest, which is a class that implements the common pattern of testing a Tegral DI component as our "subject". This super class takes two arguments.
    • A generic type, which is the type of our subject. In this case, we're testing HelloService, so we'll put that as our generic type.
    • Arguments. In the most simple case like here, where we only really want to have HelloService in our test environment, we can just add ::HelloService, similarly to a put() call.
  • We added a test that immediately calls a built-in test functino (= test {). Within the test function, Tegral will set up a test DI environment with our HelloService. We can then access this HelloService using the subject property.

Run the test using the green triangle on the left. Everything should be green!

Unit testing our controller

Next, we'll unit test our controller. This is a more interesting test because:

  • Our controller has a dependency on our service, which we'll need to supply in our test.
  • Our controller actually does not exposed any functions, it only provides Ktor setup code.

This is all fine when using Tegral.

First, let's write a test "ignoring" the fact that we need to supply a service. The setup is very similar to that of a TegralSubjectTest, but uses TegralControllerTest instead, since Tegral will do extra work to set up a test Ktor environment.

class HelloControllerTest : TegralControllerTest<HelloController>(::HelloController) {
fun `should return hello world`() = test {
val response = client.get("/")
assertEquals(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.status)
assertEquals("Hello World!", response.bodyAsText())

Once again, a few things to note here:

  • In order to send requests to our controller, we can use the client property, which is actually a regular Ktor client wired to call into our test environment.
  • We'll use Ktor's standard functions and properties for the rest.

While we can still use subject (which would return our HelloController instance), this is not super useful, as we can't really call anything except install, which requires a Ktor setup.

If you try to run this test, you should get an error message similar to the following:

Component not found: org.example.tegraltutorial.HelloService (<no qualifier>)
guru.zoroark.tegral.di.ComponentNotFoundException: Component not found: org.example.tegraltutorial.HelloService (<no qualifier>)
at guru.zoroark.tegral.di.environment.InjectionEnvironment$DefaultImpls.get(InjectionEnvironment.kt:82)

As previously mentioned, we need to supply a HelloService instance. Here, we'll do this by mocking our HelloService class with MockK, which is automatically included wwhen using the web.test bundle.

Mocking our service

Because we are currently unit testing our code, we want to only test a unit of code, in this case the HelloController class. We do not care about what HelloService does -- even if the implementation of HelloService is completely wrong, our unit tests in HelloController should still work perfectly fine.

We'll do this using a mock. Let's adapt the test we just created:

fun `should return hello world`() = test {
val mockHelloService = mockk<HelloService> {
every { greet() } returns "Greeting from service"
put { mockHelloService }
// ...

The mockk call is just a standard MockK mock, which returns a HelloService object wired up to do exactly what we told it to.

Note that we are immediately putting the resulting object into the test DI environment. This is actually one of the superpowers of DI in our testing code: we can add whatever component we want at any time! In this case, this is very useful so that we can just add the service we want.

Because this "mock-then-put" pattern is so frequent, Tegral provides a shorthand for it:

fun `should return hello world`() = test {
val mockHelloService = putMock<HelloService> {
every { greet() } returns "Greeting from service"
// ...

Not only does it save a pretty boring line of code, doing this ensures that you do not forget a put call. Note that putMock immediately returns the created mock, which we'll need to perform validation later on.

We can now use our controller with our mock.

fun `should return hello world`() = test {
val mockHelloService = putMock<HelloService> {
every { greet() } returns "Greeting from service"

val response = client.get("/")
assertEquals(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.status)
assertEquals("Greeting from service", response.bodyAsText())

Note that, in this case, we're returning a string that is different from what is actually implemented in HelloService. This is useful to ensure that our controller actually returns what the service returned, and is not just returning hard-coded responses.

For good measure, we'll add some verification, which will ensure that our mock was actually called. This is mostly useful for functions that return Unit, as it would otherwise be very hard to know if our function actually called them.

fun `should return hello world`() = test {
val mockHelloService = putMock<HelloService> {
every { greet() } returns "Greeting from service"

val response = client.get("/")
assertEquals(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.status)
assertEquals("Greeting from service", response.bodyAsText())

verify { mockHelloService.greet() }

Integration testing

While unit testing is useful for ensuring that classes are implemented correctly, they're not necessarily the best option for testing actual features. A powerful tool for this is integration-testing. While not exactly end-to-end testing (as we are once again not really launching a full web server), integration testing allows us to check that all of the parts of our application are working correctly together.

In this example, we'll write integration tests that will test both our controller and our service. In short, it will allow us to test our entire "stack".

Integration tests diverge a little bit from the syntax we've seen so far, as they do not have a "subject" since we are testing API endpoints on top of a more complex test environment.

class HelloIntegrationTest : TegralWebIntegrationTest({
}) {
fun `test greeting endpoint`() = test {
val response = client.get("/")
assertEquals(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.status)
assertEquals("Hello, world!", response.bodyAsText())

Here are the notable differences:

  • We are using the TegralWebIntegrationTest superclass, which is initialized differently from the superclasses we've seen so far. Here, you have to put all of the components that will take part in your integration tests. You can also put entire modules if you wish.
  • Our test block once again provides us with a client.
  • Here, we are not actually mocking anything. We are testing our entire application's behavior!

Run your test, and everything should be green.

Congrats! You just added dependency injection and tests to your application.