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The context provided to applications in TegralControllerTest.test's block.

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class DefaultControllerTestContext(appBuilder: ApplicationTestBuilder, environment: TestMutableInjectionEnvironment, configureClient: KtorTestClientConfig.() -> Unit) : ControllerTestContext, TestMutableInjectionEnvironment, ClientProvider

A default implementation of ControllerTestContext that delegates implementations to existing elements.

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typealias KtorTestClientConfig = HttpClientConfig<out HttpClientEngineConfig>
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A subject-based test for Controllers-based classes (more specifically, for subclasses of KtorModule and KtorController).


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Applies AppDefaults-compatible configuration for clients used in test classes.

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fun assert2xx(response: HttpResponse)

Asserts that the response's status code is in the 2xx range (OK).

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fun assert3xx(response: HttpResponse)

Asserts that the response's status code is in the 3xx range (Redirect).

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fun assert4xx(response: HttpResponse)

Asserts that the response's status code is in the 4xx range (client error).

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fun assert5xx(response: HttpResponse)

Asserts that the response's status code is in the 5xx range (server error).