
Base class for testing Tegral DI-applications.

The basic idea behind this class is to provide testing facilities around a single "subject". Let's say we wanted to test a service and its interactivity with a repository. Our subject here would be the service.

The class itself provides a wrapper around an UnsafeMutableEnvironment that is well-suited for test scenarios.

Here is what a typical use of this class could look like, with the MockK library for mocking our repository.

// Main code
interface Repository {
    fun storeThis(text: String)

class Service(scope: InjectionScope) {
    private val repository: Repository by scope()

    fun incomingText(text: String) {
        // ...
        // ...

// Test code
class TestService : TegralDiBaseTest<Service>(::Service) {
    fun `Accepts incoming text properly`() = test {
        put<Repository> {
            mockk { every { storeThis("hello") } just runs }


        verify { get<Repository>().storeThis("hello") }

The class defines the environment using a base module that usually only contains the test subject's entry, but may also contain additional dependencies as you see fit. Refer to the different constructors for more information.



The class of the subject, used for subject to work properly.


The base module as an InjectableModule instance.


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constructor(    subjectClass: KClass<TSubject>,     baseModuleBuilder: ContextBuilderDsl.() -> Unit)

This constructor takes a module builder and the subject's class, builds the module then uses that as a base.

constructor(constructor: KFunction<TSubject>)

Shortcut for cases where you want to create a single-component module. For example, this:

constructor(subjectClass: KClass<TSubject>, baseModule: InjectableModule)

This constructor takes a pre-built base module and the class of the subject and uses them as a base.