Package-level declarations


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Implementation of StateCallbackBuilder that recursively composes itself to build a StateCallback

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Builder for the description of a node. This typically should be used like this:

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The builder for a single branch. This is the receiver type of every either branch.

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The builder for the entire either construct. This is different from a single branch.

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An expectation receiver is the receiver type for all expect DSL constructs. Use this if you want your own DSL to be able to have expect called on it.

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A builder for state callbacks that get added to an expectation.

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DSL builder for a Niwen parser.

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Builder class for an optional expectation.

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class RepeatedBuilder<T, R>(    minIterations: Int?,     maxIterations: Int?,     itemExpectationBuilder: ItemExpectationBuilder<R>,     callback: StateCallback<T, List<R>, *>?) : Buildable<ExpectedRepeated<T, R>>

Builder class for ExpectedRepeated.

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A builder for composing StateCallbacks.


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Used with storeIn, allows placing some state as the item of the output list.


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inline fun <T> EitherBuilder<T>.addBranch(branchInit: EitherBranchBuilder<T>.() -> Unit)

Add a branch to this builder. The branch is first initialized through the branchInit argument.

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Build an "either" construct, with different branches the parsing process can take.

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Adds an expectation that always succeeds and emits the provided value.

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Adds an expectation to this node descriptor based on a node

Adds an expectation to this node descriptor based on a token type.

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Expect the end-of-file to be reached at this point.

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Create a lookahead expectation.

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Main entry-point for the Niwen Parser DSL. A parser might typically look like this

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Create an optional branch. If the optional branch matches, what it stores will is passed transparently, just like if the optional { } was not there. If the optional branch does not match, nothing happens, just like if the entire optional branch was not there.

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infix inline fun <T> EitherBuilder<T>.or(branchInit: EitherBranchBuilder<T>.() -> Unit): EitherBuilder<T>

Adds a branch to the either construct. or can be used multiple times to get more than two branches, like so:

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operator fun <T, R> ExpectationReceiver<T>.plusAssign(expectation: Expectation<T, R>)

Add an expectation directly instead of a builder. This is a shortcut for this += Buildable.of(expectation)

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fun <T, R> ExpectationReceiver<T>.repeated(min: Int? = null, max: Int? = null, itemBuilder: ItemExpectationBuilder<R>.() -> Unit): ExpectationStateCallbackBuilder<T, List<R>>

Repeatedly runs the provided expectations until they no longer match, then collects the items (specified via storeIn item in one of the expectations in the repeated block) into a list that you can then store.

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Repeatedly runs the provided expectations without storing anything.

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inline fun <T, R : T> ExpectationReceiver<T>.self(): NodeParameterKey<T, R>

Used with storeIn self(), provides the actual value of a node declaration that is implemented with by subtype()

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fun <T, R : T> selfKeyFor(type: KType): NodeParameterKey<T, R>

Returns a key for self and subtype.

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inline fun <T> subtype(): ParserNodeDeclaration<T>

When paired with sealed classes and self, allows defining abstract nodes that only exist via their subtypes.