
A utility for reporting the execution tree of a parsing run, and outputting it in a human-readable format.


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data class Node(val parent: BranchSeeker.Node?, var title: String, var status: BranchSeeker.Status? = null, var message: String? = null, val nodes: MutableList<BranchSeeker.Node> = mutableListOf(), val storedData: MutableMap<NodeParameterKey<*, *>, Any?> = mutableMapOf())

A node within the execution tree. Each node represents an expectation that was executed.

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Status for a node in the BranchSeeker tree.


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fun stepIn(nodeTitle: String)

Step into a new node.

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fun stepOut(status: BranchSeeker.Status, message: String, storedData: Map<NodeParameterKey<*, *>, Any?>)

Steps out of the current node.

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Transforms this branch seeker into a human-readable YAML representation as a string.

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fun updateRoot(status: BranchSeeker.Status, message: String, storedData: Map<NodeParameterKey<*, *>, Any?>)

Update the root node with the given information.