Package-level declarations


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Generator for JetBrains Exposed's DAO API.

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Generator for JetBrains Exposed's SQL API.

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class GeneratorContext(    val outputDir: Path,     val datamodel: Datamodel,     val rawParsingResult: PRoot?)

Context for generators

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interface ModelGenerator

A generator that takes in a context and does something with it.

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sealed class ScalarType

A scalar type for a field in a Prisma schema.

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A ScalarType with additional accuracy information. Used as the rreturn type of nativeTypeToScalarType.


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Create an accurate ScalarTypeWithAccuracy with this being the scalar type.

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Create an inaccurate ScalarTypeWithAccuracy with this being the scalar type and the given reason.

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fun nativeTypeToScalarType(fieldName: String, typeName: String, attributes: List<PAttribute>): ScalarTypeWithAccuracy?

Resolves Prisma type (typeName) with additional database attributes into a ScalarType with additional precision information.